The Ultimate Guide to Sunglasses Care: Proven Cleaning Procedures for Crystal-Clear Lenses

Sunglasses aren't just a fashion statement; they're essential for protecting your eyes from harmful UV rays. To keep your shades in top-notch condition and ensure your vision remains crystal clear, proper cleaning and maintenance are crucial. Dust, fingerprints, and smudges not only affect the way you see the world but also diminish the longevity of your sunglasses. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the recommended cleaning procedures for your sunglasses lenses, ensuring they stay as good as new for years to come.

Before diving into the cleaning process, it's essential to understand the basics of sunglasses care. Most sunglasses feature lenses made from polycarbonate [PC], tri-acetate cellulose [TAC], or glass.

• Polycarbonate lenses are lightweight and impact-resistant.
• Tri-acetate cellulose lenses are made for high visibility and strength to be shatter-resistant
Glass lenses offer exceptional optical clarity and are scratch-resistant.

Regardless of the lens material, all lenses require gentle handling to avoid scratches and damage.


1. Gather Your Supplies
Before you start cleaning your sunglasses, gather the necessary supplies:

  • Microfiber Cloth: Opt for a high-quality microfiber cloth specifically designed for cleaning lenses. Avoid using rough materials like paper towels, which can scratch the surface.
  • Lens Cleaning Solution: Use a mild lens cleaning solution (Amazon has a lot of options) or a mixture of warm water and a few drops of gentle dish soap (without lotion). Avoid harsh chemicals like ammonia, bleach, or vinegar, as they can damage lens coatings. Do not use lens cleaners containing alcohol or are listed as unsafe for anti-reflective coatings.
  • Compressed Air: If your sunglasses have intricate designs or hard-to-reach areas, compressed air can help remove dust particles.

    2. Remove Loose Debris
    Hold your sunglasses under a gentle stream of lukewarm water to remove loose dirt and debris. Avoid hot water, as it can damage lens coatings and frames. Alternatively, use a can of compressed air to blow away dust particles from the lenses and frame crevices.

    3. Apply the Cleaning Solution
    Place a small drop of the lens cleaning solution on each lens. If you're using a homemade solution, dampen the corner of the microfiber cloth with it. Avoid applying the solution directly to the lenses, as excess liquid can seep into the frame and cause damage.

    4. Gently Wipe the Lenses
    Using the microfiber cloth, gently wipe the lenses in a circular motion, starting from the center and moving outward. Apply minimal pressure to avoid scratching the surface. Pay special attention to the edges and corners, where dirt and oils tend to accumulate.

    5. Clean the Nose Pads and Temples
    If your sunglasses have nose pads, clean them using a soft brush or a cloth dampened with the cleaning solution. Similarly, wipe the temples (arms) of the sunglasses to remove any residue or grime. For metal frames, consider using a damp cotton swab to clean intricate designs.

    6. Rinse and Dry Thoroughly
    Rinse your sunglasses under a gentle stream of lukewarm water to remove any remaining cleaning solution. Shake off excess water and gently pat the lenses and frames with a clean, dry microfiber cloth. Allow your sunglasses to air dry fully before storing them in a protective case.


    1. Use a Protective Case
    Always store your sunglasses in a sturdy case when you're not wearing them. A case protects your shades from scratches, impacts, and dirt, ensuring they stay in excellent condition.

    2. Avoid Leaving Sunglasses in Hot Cars
    High temperatures in a car can damage lens coatings and frames. Avoid leaving your sunglasses in the car, especially on hot days.

    3. Regular Inspections
    Periodically inspect your sunglasses for any signs of damage, loose screws, or misalignments. Address these issues promptly to prevent further damage.

    4. Avoid Wiping Lenses When Dry
    Wiping dry lenses, especially in dusty conditions, can cause tiny scratches. Rinse your sunglasses or use a lens cleaning spray before wiping to minimize the risk of scratches.

    5. Professional Maintenance
    If your sunglasses require repairs or adjustments, take them to a professional Optician. Attempting to fix them yourself can lead to irreparable damage.

    Proper cleaning and maintenance are the keys to preserving the clarity and longevity of your sunglasses. By following these recommended cleaning procedures and incorporating regular care into your routine, you can enjoy clear, crisp vision and stylish eyewear for years to come. Remember, a little effort in cleaning and storing your sunglasses can go a long way in maintaining their quality and ensuring your eyes are always well-protected.

    So, keep these tips in mind, invest in a high-quality microfiber cloth and cleaning solution, and let your sunglasses shine – just like your vision. 😎